Individual Plans

When it comes to Health insurance, it is easy to get confused. Know how all the costs fit together and how best to compare one plan to another. To make matters worse, government gets to regulate health insurance through HMS and CMS and then trying to find out the best option get all the more complicated.  That is why you need David Topor and IntelliShield. David is able to sift through all the jargon and explain things in a way that makes it easy to understand and make a decision. Follow the links below and explore your options, then contact me and I will help you enroll.

Saver’s Bridge 

Short-term medical pays benefits like a major medical insurance plan, but for the length of time, you select, up to one year. We have a wide range of deductible options to fit your coverage needs and budget. 

Health Sherpa

Find easy affordable healthcare.

David Topor has been assisting clients with their individual Medicare Supplement Insurance questions and choices since 2009.  He prides himself on being able to simplify a very confusing selection process.  David promises to take the necessary time to listen to your questions and explain your choices in a easy to understand manner.  As a Independent Agent, David has the ability to get quotes from all major Insurance Companies which will guarantee that the customer gets the best policy available in the market.  David is happy to visit clients at their home and encourages other family members to join the meeting if requested.  Integrity is very important to David, and will never pressure a client to make a decision to enroll in a plan.  If you would appreciate this kind of personal attention, please call David directly at 865-441-1794. You will be glad you did.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to enroll in a new ACA (ObamaCare) plan every year?

Yes, every year the insurance companies are allowed to change their plans to comply with the new government requirements. Because of that, clients need to update their income and other information to re-apply for the new updated plans. Each year from November 1 through January 15, clients have an open enrollment period to update their application and enroll in a new plan.  I also recommend to all my clients that they check for Prescription Medication and Doctor Network changes at that time as well.

What is the best way to figure out the best plan for me?

The first step I take with my prospects and clients is to go to my HealthSherpa quoting tool and see if they qualify for a tax-subsidy to help pay for their premium and CSR (Cost Share Reduction) to assist with their out of pocket costs.

Once they do that they will see a list of all the plans available for their zip-code.

The next step is to check if their doctors and medical facilities (providers) are in the specific plan’s networks.

There is also a tool to check to see if their prescription medication is covered on the plans

Once you do that you can easily filter out the companies that do not take your doctors and use the tool to compare the plans side by side.

If at anytime you need me to guide you through the process, feel free to give me a call – 865-441-1794

Can I travel with my plans?

Yes.  All plans offer Emergency and Urgent care across the United States.

Need Hassle Free Advice

If we didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime.